Hello! My Name is
Donghyeon KIM
My Skills


I'm Donghyeon KIM
My Skills:

Hello! My name is Donghyeon Kim, and I am a fourth year CS major and Econ minor at Georgia Institute of Technology. I am interested in full-stack application development, consisting of HTML/JavaScript/CSS, various web libraries, and a Node.js/MongoDB backend.

My Skills

My Skills & Experiences

I have worked with a wide variety of programming languages. For web applications I use Javascript. Whenever I need the most performance possible I obviously go with Java, and finally when I am building mobile application, I fall back on Kotlin. I also have experiences using web libraries such as Durandal, jQuery, and Bootstrap to create web applications.

JAVA 85%
Python 60%
Kotlin 80%
Swift 70%

My Site

Contact Me

My information

Need anything built, want to work together or simply want to have a chat?

Drop me an e-mail at dkim930@gatech.edu or simply fill out the form below and I will reply to you soon!

Donghyeon Kim
Atlanta, Georgia
Email me!